Frequently Asking Questions

How Does Online Or In Person Therapy Work In Eureka, CA?

One of the biggest concerns people have about online and in person counseling is that going to therapy means they are weak. In fact, the opposite is true. Knowing you need help and seeking it is a sign of strength and determination to live a healthy life. Working together, you and your therapist will identify goals (what you want to happen) and agree on how to know when things are getting better. After all, the goal is to get better.

How Long Do Online Or In Person Counseling Sessions Last?

Usually between 50- 90 minutes, but depending on what is being worked on it can be shorter or longer. The number of sessions is based on your needs and what the therapist recommends.

How Often Do We Meet For Online Or In Person Counseling In Eureka, CA?

I have found meeting weekly improves the progress clients make toward their goals in counseling. For that reason, I recommend meeting weekly for therapy. We will establish a set time to meet each week and that will be our weekly counseling appointment.

What Can I Expect To Happen During Our Time Together?

Generally, during counseling sessions 1- 3, we will do a thorough history and create goals for your therapy. The next 3- 4 sessions, we will develop tools and strategies for dealing with your current stressors. In the last part of counseling, we will work on healing the root cause of your depression, anxiety, and trauma.

What Kind Of Results Can I Expect From Online Or In Person Therapy In Eureka, CA?

Clients often report after starting online or in person counseling, feeling less anxious, more in control of their thoughts and feelings, and less reactive in their relationships. Overall, they feel more able to respond than have old reaction patterns take over. At the end of therapy, they feel more peace and calm and aren't as limited by the old ways of seeing themselves and the world. They experience a new level of freedom.

Is What I Tell My Therapist Really Kept Between Just Us?

As a therapist, I protect the confidentiality (the right to keep your information private) of all my clients whether we communicate in person, on the phone, by messaging or through paperwork you fill out. However, I am a mandated reporter so there are some exceptions to confidentiality. They are as follows:

1) If I have information about a child, elder, or disabled person being abused.

2) If you tell me you intend to harm yourself or someone else.

3) If I am court ordered to testify or submit client files. This usually comes up in custody cases or if CPS or Probation are involved.

What If I Need To Cancel Or Get Sick?

I have a 24 hour cancellation policy so if you need to cancel, make sure to give me 24 hour notice to avoid paying any late fees. I offer phone or video therapy sessions in case something happens last minute that prevents you from coming to your counseling appointment.

Do You Take Insurance? Do You Offer Sliding Scale?

I do accept Medi-Cal or the Partnership Health Plan and Medicare. I am currently an out of network provider for most PPO plans. The way most PPO plans work is that you pay for the counseling and the insurance company reimburses you. It is best to check with your insurance plan though and find out the details of what they cover. I do not currently have any sliding scale openings in Eureka, CA.

Do You Have Evening And Weekend Appointments Available In Eureka, CA?

Yes, there are evening appointments, but not weekend therapy appointments available in Eureka, CA. I see clients in my office Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 8:00 am - 7:00 pm.

Do You Do Online or Phone Counseling In Eureka, CA?

Yes, online or phone therapy is available for those that prefer this. All sessions are currently being offered both online or on the phone or in person.

How Do I Know If My Child Needs Counseling?

This is a hard question to answer as all children are very different, but common things I hear is that a parent notices that their child is having a lot of difficulty managing their emotions, possibly even acting out, and the parent often feels what they are trying is not working. Or it is very difficult for the child to be open about what is bothering them. The important thing is that once you identify this, to find a therapist that is a good fit in terms of what helps your child to be open such as using play therapy or art therapy depending on how they like to express themselves. See my page on these approaches here for more information.

What If Counseling Is Not Working?

Sometimes this happens. The first step would be to talk to your counselor if it is something you both can work on. There are times though that maybe a counselor and a client are not the best fit, and in that case, it is often best that referrals be made to a counselor that might be a better fit.

I Don’t Want To Weekly Therapy, Do You Do Intensives?

Yes, I do intensives. If you are wondering what an intensive is, it is doing a lot of therapy at once in one day. When I do an intensive, it is usually for EMDR to work on multiple trauma memories in one day. This is not covered by insurance though and the cost is $500 for a half day intensive and $1000 for a full day intensive. Learn more about intensives here.

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