Anxiety And Learning Disabilities

A boy struggling to learn because of his learning disability and anxiety.

How Anxious And Stressed Would You Be If Learning and Interacting With Others Constantly Confused You?

You love your child and it’s amazing to watch them learn and grow, but lately you have been watching them struggle and it’s heart breaking. You know that learning is difficult for them, but what really worries you the most is the anxiety, sadness, helplessness, and lack of belief in themselves. It’s hard for them not to feel this way when learning and interacting is so confusing for them. Every time you try to help, it doesn’t seem to get any better which leaves you feeling helpless and not knowing how to help them. You may even feel guilty when you lose patience with them or think that maybe they are just being stubborn. This can be so frustrating for you and for them. You might wonder, “why does this have to be so hard?” Sometimes, it feels like these stressful interactions are just giving your child more bad experiences.

As someone who had a significant learning disability, I understand how hard this is.

I help kids learn to cope with how their difficulty learning impacts their life and work with them on reducing their anxiety, sadness, helplessness, and lack of confidence. I help give you and your child tools and strategies to cope better with the stressors related to having difficulty learning. Even after the first session, you will be able to implement what you learn. Over time, you will feel more attuned to your child’s needs and confident in helping support them.

If you are ready to move from stressed, worried, and helpless to calm, confident, and able to give your child the support they need, go to the contact page to schedule a free 15 minute consultation in Eureka, CA.

Learn more about my specialties: Play Therapy and Art Therapy