Crysta Durrett Crysta Durrett

Online Therapy In California and Oregon For Skeptical Trauma Survivors

As you go through your day, do you find yourself responding in ways you don't mean to? Do you have past hurts or traumas that are still impacting your life that you want to heal from? Are you curious whether online therapy could help, but have a lot of doubts too? Learn more about the ways online counseling could help today.


Online counseling brings up many questions for people with past hurts or traumas that want to start healing. Can past hurts or traumas truly get better? And if they can, is it really possible for healing to happen through online therapy? Below you will find some facts that I hope put your mind at ease that you can heal from your past and yes, it can be done online.

Reasons Why Online Therapy Really Can Help You Heal!

  1. Technology Has Made Advances That Make It Just As Effective As In Person Therapy. Video sessions make it possible to see and connect with each other and your therapist can still share assignments and coping skills with you that you can practice in the video session and throughout your week.

  2. Just About Any Therapy A Counselor Would Do In Person Can Be Done Online. It may look a little different, but I honestly cannot think of an intervention I would do in the office that cannot be done online. Even somatic or EMDR interventions can be done online. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy can be done online. Anger management skills can be taught online. Relapse Prevention skills for substance use and addictions can be done online. Marriage and family counseling can be done online. Play Therapy and Art Therapy can be done online. And I can tell you from doing trauma work both ways, that it works just as well both ways. In fact, some people say they prefer online as it gives more distance between you and the counselor which can feel more comfortable for some, especially those with social anxiety.

  3. Online Counseling Gives Your Therapist More Information And This Helps Them Create Better Interventions For You. As you are often in your home or somewhere you are comfortable, people often are more open and interactions between family members become more clear which helps your therapist know better what might help you and your family heal.

  4. For Those With Busy Schedules Or Who Are Caregivers, It Can Be Less Stressful That Planning How To Make Therapy Fit Your Schedule. For many, it can be a relief to not have to worry about how to get from one place to another on time and it is nice to have one less thing to stress about.

  5. A Nice Side Benefit Of Doing Counseling From Home Is Having Things Around You That Comfort You And Make Talking About Painful Things Easier. So many people tell me how it comforts them to have their pet with them or be talking about trauma while petting their cat or dog. The same is true of having a favorite blanket or pillow or the comfort of sitting on your own couch where you are comfortable. This helps regulate your brain and can keep you in the present rather than feeling you are back in the past as can often happen when talking about past hurts.

    I hope this information helps you find the right therapist whether you choose to do in person therapy on online counseling. If you are still feeling stuck or have questions, feel free to call me at (707) 954- 7060 for a free 15 minute consultation. I’d be happy to hear about what is happening in your life and help direct you to the right person. If you are looking for help with anxiety counseling, depression counseling, or counseling for trauma or PTSD, you can read more about how I can help here.

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Crysta Durrett Crysta Durrett

Online Counseling Questions & Answers For The Skeptical

Many people have a lot of very understandable hesitations or questions about telehealth. These questions and answers will help to put your mind at ease and let you know what to expect if you decide to do online counseling.

If you are like most people, you may feel skeptical of online therapy and whether it works as well as in person therapy. Telehealth often brings up some very understandable hesitations and questions. Below you will find some information to help put your mind at ease and let you know what to expect if you decide to do online counseling.

Frequently Asked Questions About Telehealth

What Is Helpful About Online Therapy and Why Would I Choose this Over In Person Therapy?

Online counseling is helpful when you have a busy life that makes scheduling difficult, if the therapist you want to see is not local, you are following stay at home orders or prefer to do therapy from home, need to reduce transportation time, have caregiving responsibilities that make attending therapy difficult, or have social anxiety and are more comfortable doing counseling from home.

But Isn’t It Hard to Set Up?

No, it actually pretty easy to set up. You can use your phone, tablet, or computer to do video therapy. You can then talk to your counselor as you usually would. It’s that easy!

Is It Really Confidential Though?

It absolutely is confidential. We maintain strict confidentiality standards for your protection, meaning your therapist will not share your information. This means sessions cannot be recorded. Sessions are either provided from the office or a therapist’s home in a way that ensures privacy.

But Will My Insurance Cover This?

Most insurance plans provide coverage for telehealth just like in person therapy. While this may be at your regular copay, coinsurance and/or deductible, there are often variations based on your plan or policy. I encourage you to call and find out your exact benefits. Many insurance plans are currently waiving copays and coinsurance costs during COVID-19.

But I Am At Home With Limited Privacy, What Can I Do?

This can be very tricky to figure out with families being together at home now more than ever before and parents home schooling. Some people like to meet for virtual sessions while on a walk, sitting in their car, in a particular room or place in the house that is quieter, or from their backyard. Often a therapist will adjust their schedule to try to find a time that is less busy for you, maybe by having sessions on different days or at different times than they usually would. You can also try using headphones which can help to limit distractions.

I’m Still Not Sure It’s Right For Me, Should I Wait Until I Can See A Therapist In Person?

Unfortunately, it is hard to say when Covid-19 and social distancing will end. While many therapist may be offering both online and in person with safety precautions with masks and social distancing, many also prefer online therapy at this time. Connecting with a counselor via telehealth is a good way to get started on your healing journey. This is even more important during these stressful times.

But Does Online Counseling Work With Children? Couples? Family Therapy? Trauma Work?

Telehealth is effective with children, but it may require some extra preparation by the therapist and the parent to make sure they have the supplies to do play and art activities. It also can often be helpful to have the parent participate in the session. Couples Therapy and Family Therapy can work very well with online counseling provided you can set up a private place in the home or elsewhere to do this that will minimize interruptions. Trauma work can also be done very effectively online. Both EMDR and TFCBT can be done this way to help both the client and the family heal by learning coping skills and by working on desensitizing traumas so they no longer bother you.

I hope this helps to answer your questions about telehealth and online therapy in Oregon and California. If you are still feeling stuck or have questions about whether it is right for you, feel free to call me at (707) 954- 7060 for a free 15 minute consultation. I’d be happy to hear about what is happening and help direct you to the right person. If you are looking for help with anxiety counseling, depression counseling, or trauma counseling, you can read more about how I can help here.

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Crysta Durrett Crysta Durrett

What Can I Expect From Online Therapy or Telehealth?

Are you curious about online therapy? Do you have questions about how it works or what you can expect? Do you wonder if there are things you need to know to make it a better experience?Click here to learn more.


Many people, now more than ever before, are interested in online therapy, but it also raises a lot of questions and for most people brings up some anxiety as it is a new experience, but don’t let that stop you from getting the help you need.

Online therapy also creates the space to still have counseling when meeting in person is not possible or not what you prefer.

So What Can I Expect From An Online Counseling Session?

  1. Once you have set up therapy, your counselor will confirm your appointment and send you an access link that's either unique to you or is the therapist’s online meeting room. You will use that link to enter your session. You probably won’t need to download an app or program, but it depends on the program the therapist uses. This is a good question to ask about if you are unsure.

  2. It’s a good idea to think about where you would like be to do your session. If it will be at your home, where is a good place that has privacy, is comfortable for you, and that you are not likely to be interrupted. Find the place that will work best for you.

  3. Check on your technology. Make sure your phone, tablet, or computer are charged, and that your internet is working good. It can also be helpful to have a back up internet source in case something happens such as using your phone as a hotspot. 

  4. Feel free to do whatever you need to feel comfortable during the session. Have any drinks or snacks you may want to have with you nearby. Some people like to have their pet with them, which is often helpful when talking about difficult things as this can be soothing. 

  5. When it’s time for your appointment, use the link sent by your therapist. Your therapist will be there or will join in shortly.

  6. Your first session will likely focus on what you want to work on, your history that is impacting the current issue, your preferences for therapy, and your goals for therapy.


Online therapy allows you to stay connected and receive support from your therapist when life circumstances don't allow you to meet in person. If you’re still not sure, give it a try and you may be surprised how much you enjoy online therapy. 

I hope this helps you find the right online therapist if that is what you are looking for or the right in person therapist if that is your preference. If you are still feeling stuck, feel free to call me at (707) 954- 7060 for a free 15 minute consultation. I’d be happy to hear about what is happening and help direct you to the right person. If you are looking for help with anxiety counseling, depression counseling, or trauma counseling, you can read more about how I help here.

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Crysta Durrett Crysta Durrett

Online Counseling- Does It Work And Is It As Effective As Going To See A Therapist?

Does online counseling or telehealth as it is often called work? Is it as effective as in person therapy? How do I know if online counseling is a good fit for me? Check out this blog to find out more information about online counseling and what the pro's and con's of this approach are.


Online therapy, or telehealth as it is often called, has been gaining in popularity for awhile and not just because of Covid-19. There are actually many reasons why many prefer telehealth, but it’s not for everyone. Those with psychosis and suicidal and homicidal thoughts often need an in person therapist due to the therapist needing to be able to see body language. But for those it is appropriate for it can be very helpful. So what are the pro’s and con’s of online therapy?


  1. It’s more convenient and often easier to fit into your schedule.

  2. Many feel more comfortable in their own home so this can help reduce anxiety around doing counseling.

  3. Access to therapists with different specialties that may not be available in your local community.

  4. It’s often easier for those with social anxiety and depression to reach out to an online counselor.

  5. Most types of therapy can be done through online counseling including some you might not think of such as CBT, Play and Art Therapy, EMDR, Somatic Therapy, and TFCBT. It may be done slightly different than when in person, but it is still effective and helps clients reduce their symptoms.


  1. Therapists might miss out on body language. The fix I often do for this is to have the client explain what body sensations they notice while we are talking.

  2. Technology can be difficult and technology gets “glitchy” at times as I like to call it with dropped calls or frozen videos. To prevent this is it is good to have a back up plan of what to do when technology is doing this such as switching to another video program or using the phone.

  3. It is important the therapist is using a HIPAA compliant video chat program which means it is secure and encrypted so others do not have access to your information.

  4. It can make it harder for therapists to intervene in a crisis. To address this it is important to have a plan established in the first session of crisis services available in your area.

For more information there are some good research articles explaining the science around online therapy or telehealth and how effective it is below:

Psychotherapy Via Internet As Good As If Not Better Than Face-To-Face Consultations

Therapy Delivered Electronically More Effective Than Face To Face

New Online Therapy For Lingering Depression Symptoms Could Fill Important Gap In Care

Panic Disorder And Depression Can Be Treated Over The Internet, Study Suggests.

I hope this helps answer some of your questions around online therapy or telehealth and if it is effective. I also hope it helps you feel more confident in doing online therapy if you feel that it is a good fit for you. If you are curious about how to find the right therapist, check out my blog on How To Find A Good Counselor. If you are still feeling stuck, feel free to call me at (707) 954- 7060 for a free 15 minute consultation. I’d be happy to hear about what is happening and help direct you to the right person. If you are looking for help with anxiety counseling, depression counseling, or trauma counseling, you can read more about how I can help here.

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