Trauma Crysta Durrett Trauma Crysta Durrett

5 Things Family and Friends Can Do To Help While I Work On Healing

How can friends or family help support your healing? Your first response might be to say they can’t help as healing is personal to each person and a journey we each have to do for ourselves. However, while this may be true in some ways there are actually things important people in your life can do to help.

Your first response might be to say they can’t help as healing is personal to each person and a journey we each have to do for ourselves. However, while this may be true in some ways there are actually things important people in your life can do to help.

Things That Are Helpful:

  1. Gently support them and ask the person doing the work what would be helpful. Continuing through life as if the work they are doing is not difficult or taxing is not helpful. Validating the work they are doing as important and expressing being proud of them can help too.

  2. Be understanding that the work they are doing may leave them tired. Especially if they are doing work like Eye Movement Desensitization or Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) where they are reprocessing memories which means their brain is working hard to make sense of past memories and traumas. This is even more true if they are doing an EMDR Intensive or multiple hours of EMDR in one day.

  3. Be genuine, if you are unable to be supportive, encourage them to be around others who can be supportive as you work on your own things.

  4. Consider if doing a couples or family session may be helpful to better understand the work they are doing.

  5. If there are relationship issues, it often makes sense to hold off on addressing them until after trauma work as doing it during trauma work just tends to trigger past traumas and makes it hard to resolve current issues.

I hope this information helps you understand how best to support a loved one that is doing trauma work or if you are the one doing trauma work, helps you explain to a loved one what you need. I also hope it helps you feel like trauma work is more doable with this support. If you are interested in learning more about trauma work or EMDR in general you can find out more about the EMDR or other approaches I use here. If you are interested in the EMDR Intensives I do you can find out more about them here. If you are just feeling stuck and have questions, please feel free to call me at (707) 954- 7060 for a free 15 minute consultation. I’d be happy to hear about what is going on for you and to help direct you to the right person to help you.

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Crysta Durrett Crysta Durrett

What Is An EMDR Intensive?

Have you ever wished for a faster way to work through past hurts and traumas? I am sure many people have. EMDR Intensives are essentially longer sessions of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy), instead of an hour, they are often 3 hours or 6 hours which allows you to get more done in less time. Learn more about why this different approach to therapy is so helpful.

Have you ever wished for a faster way to work through past hurts and traumas? I am sure many people have. EMDR Intensives are essentially longer sessions of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy), instead of an hour, they are often 3 hours or 6 hours which allows you to get more done in less time. Let me tell you about the four things I love about this approach.

Four Things I Love About EMDR Intensives and How They Can Help You Heal

  1. The first thing I love about EMDR Intensives is that it allows you do to a large chunk of trauma work in one day. If you are wondering what EMDR is, it’s a type of trauma therapy that reduces how upsetting past memories are and has a body and attachment focus which can help calm your brain and body and help you feel more able to connect to others as you begin to heal. If you would like more information on EMDR, you can click here.

  2. The second thing I love about EMDR Intensives is that by doing EMDR as an intensive, this lets you feel better faster, which I’m sure is something we all want. There is no need to wait to see the changes you have wished for so long.

  3. The third thing I love about EMDR Intensives is that an EMDR intensive can be the big bang that gets everything moving or it can be in addition to what therapy you are already doing. It can also for some people be their preferred way of doing therapy. Either way, doing an EMDR intensive can provide the results that usually take months of individual weekly sessions in just a few days.

  4. The fourth thing I love about EMDR Intensives is that there is time for a deep dive. You get to cut out all that pressure of doing everything in an hour. This allows so much more to be accomplished.

I hope this information helps you decide if an EMDR Intensive is right for you. It is also true though that each EMDR Intensive therapist may work a little differently so it is important to find someone that is a good fit for you in Eureka, CA. If you are still feeling stuck, please feel free to call me at (707) 954-7060 for a free 15 minute consultation. I’d be happy to hear about what is going on for you and to help direct you to the right person to help you. If you are looking for anxiety counseling, depression counseling, or trauma informed counseling, you can read more about how I help here. If you want to know more about my intensives, you can read more about them here.

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